This book is a collection of 49 recipes of delicious, easy-to-make vegetarian meals in both eastern and western styles, as well as Venerable Master Miao Lien’s Buddhist teachings on the topic of vegetarianism. For the cultivation of a compassionate mind, for health, for planet Earth and for the sake of generations to come, let’s start eating vegetarian meals today!
Book Categories
Pure Taste Pure Mind
淨悅為食 1
Language | |
Authors | |
Series | |
Publication Year | 2014 |
Pages | 131 |
ISBN | 9781989516096 |
Fresh Lettuce Tofu Salad 生菜豆腐沙拉
Marinated Kelp 滷海帶
Cold Pickled Coral Grass 涼拌珊瑚菜
Salad Wrap沙拉卷
Crispy Tofu Balls 香酥球
Stir-fried Asparagus 蘆筍燴炒
Deep-fried Bean Curd Parcels 乾燒素香片
Braised Spongy Gluten 四鮮烤麩
Fried Gluten Balls with Luffa 絲瓜油麵筋
Savory Braised Mushrooms 菩提麻香菇
Spicy Stir-fry in Harmony 七寶辣醬
Stir-fried Cellophane Noodles with Hairy Melon 毛瓜炒粉絲
Fragrant Deep-fried Mushrooms 慈悲素善
Baked Assorted Vegetables in Portuguese Sauce 葡汁四蔬
Stir-fried Green Beans with Olive Sauce 橄欖四季豆
Crispy Gluten Rolls 鹽酥素排
Braised Deep-fried Tofu 素燥油豆腐
Steamed Tofu with Kabocha 清蒸南瓜豆腐
Stir-fried Pickled Mustard with Gluten Rolls 酸菜炒麵腸
Vegetarian Pork with Dried Mustard Greens 梅乾素扣
Stir-fried Carrots with Dried Bean Curd Skin 胡蘿蔔絲炒腐竹
Stir-fried Bean Curd Sheets with Potherb Mustard 雪裹紅炒百頁
Vegetarian Three-spice Chicken 三杯素塊
Cantonese Hearty Soup 廣東煲湯
Kumquat Soup with Sesame Oil 麻油金桔湯
Black Moss Soup 吉祥羹湯
Ginseng Soup 人生自在湯
Potato Chowder 馬鈴薯濃湯
Vegetable Medley 如意火鍋
Ketchup Fried Rice 蕃茄炒飯
Brown Rice Medley 健康五穀飯
Fried Glutinous Rice 油飯
Vegetable Noodle Soup 菜湯麵
Stir-fried Knife-pared Noodles 炒刀削麵
Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli 炒米粉
Misua Soup 麵線糊
Pasta with Tomato Sauce 茄汁義大利麵
12” Spinach Pizza 12 吋菠菜披薩
Club Sandwich 總匯三明治
Vegetarian Tuna Sandwich 可口三明治
Roasted Potatoes 烤馬鈴薯
Potherb Mustard Buns 雪菜素包
Mushroom Pancake 鮮菇煎餅
Lotus Root Biscuits 蓮藕餅
Vegetarian Banana Bread 香蕉素糕
Pineapple Shortcake 鳯梨酥
Mango Pudding 芒果布丁
Matcha Cheese Cake 抺茶起司糕
Dorayaki 圓滿燒